Historically, violence has been a major plague for mankind. Still largely misunderstood, it is perceived by many as inevitable. In a fast-evolving and increasingly global world, violence is taking new forms that significantly contribute to our world’s misfortunes and to widespread pessimism. We believe that violence is not inevitable and that we have all the necessary resources to eradicate it from our minds and communities.

The Alakazam Public Interest Foundation, a private initiative, was born in the summer of 2017. Its mission is to support individual and collective initiatives having their origins in Belgium and whose first and primary goal is the promotion of non-violence. Alakazam supports associations, as well as specific one-off projects devoted to this cause.

Alakazam’s Board of Directors, composed of five people - including the two founders - will consider requests for funding or other forms of support twice a year.

They will beat their swords into plowshares,
and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not take up sword against nation,
nor will they train for war anymore.

(Isaiah 2:4)


Does the Alakazam Foundation support projects in Belgium only?

We support projects outside Belgium, but only through Belgian organisations. We wish to stay close to the project leaders, we see our support as more than strictly financial and we don’t have the resources to establish such a relationship in foreign projects.

What is required to benefit from Alakazam’s support?

The project must be specifically aimed at promoting non-violence. A project (educational, charitable, ecological) that carries some non-violent values or is indirectly involved in non-violence is not enough.

Does Alakazam cover the financial needs in their totality?

No. We believe that a project leader is only credible if he/she can finance part of the project. Alakazam reserves the right to choose its level of financial contribution to the project, with an absolute maximum limit of 80%.



If you need any further information, please feel free to contact us.


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